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Basket - Corberó - Dishwasher

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  • Basket, Corberó dishwasher (lower)
    This product is an alternative version, which can be used as a replacement for the original. The product might vary from the previous edition in shape, colour etc.
    The product is only suitable for models with product/PNC-no. as listed after the dash.

    Height - 100 mm
    Width - 524 mm
    Depth - 505 mm

    LV6052I/6 - 911539001-00
    LV6052I/6 - 911539001-01
    LVE1041S - 911519048-00
    LVE1041S - 911519048-01
    LVE1041S - 911519048-02

    and other models…
    In stock. Del 2-3 work days.
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  • Basket, Corberó dishwasher (lower)
    Both the upper and lower wire basket in your Corberó dishwasher can be easily replaced, but if the wire basket is not completely corroded by rust, in many cases you can just repair the old one with Basket-Fix - find it here. The kit with Basket-Fix lasts for several repairs, and is thus often a more economical solution than a brand new wire basket.
    The product is only suitable for models with product/PNC-no. as listed after the dash.

    Height - 125 mm
    Width - 375 mm
    Depth - 515 mm

    LV415S - 911731009-00
    LV4541I - 911721097-01
    LV4541I - 911721097-02
    LV4541I/1 - 911631004-01
    LV4541I/1 - 911631004-02
    LV4541I/1 - 911631201-00
    LV4541I/6 - 911639209-00
    LV4541I/6 - 911639209-01
    LVC4541S - 911611005-00
    LVC4541S - 911611005-02
    LVC4541S - 911611005-03
    LVC4541S - 911611201-00
    LVC45S - 911731013-00
    LVC45S - 911731013-01
    LVE4542S - 911619226-00
    LVE4542S - 911619226-01
    LVE4542S - 911619226-0

    and other models…
    In stock. Del 2-3 work days.
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  • Basket, Corberó dishwasher (upper)
    The product is only suitable for models with product/PNC-no. as listed after the dash.

    LV4541I/1 - 911631004-01
    LV4541I/1 - 911631004-02
    LV4541I/1 - 911631201-00
    LV4541I/6 - 911639209-00
    LV4541I/6 - 911639209-01
    LVC4541S - 911611005-00
    LVC4541S - 911611005-02
    LVC4541S - 911611005-03
    LVC4541S - 911611201-00
    LVE4542S - 911619226-00
    LVE4542S - 911619226-01
    LVE4542S - 911619226-02
    LVE4542S - 911619226-03

    and other models…
    Only 1 left!
    Del. 2-3 work days. Read more.

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