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  • Aqua-stop inlet hose, Indesit dishwasher - 1640 mm
    This product is an alternative version, which can be used as a replacement for the original. The product might vary from the previous edition in shape, colour etc.
    This aquastop hose for Indesit dishwashers has a built-in solenoid valve.
    The product is only suitable for models with service no. as listed after the dash.

    Length - 1640 mm
    Volt/Watt - 220-240V

    D2FHD624A - 859991663050
    D2FHD624AS - 859991663030
    D2IHD524A - 859991662920
    D2IHD526A - 859991662900
    D2IHD526AS - 859991663790
    DBC3C24ACX - 859991589780
    DBC3C26X - 859991624520
    DBE2B19AB - 859991586870
    DBE2B19AX - 859991587270
    DFC2B+16ACX - 859991590240
    DFC2B+19AC - 859991589590
    DFC2B+19ACX - 859991590510
    DFC2C24A - 859991589770
    DFC2C24AX - 859991589580
    DFG03TK - 869990610610
    DFG0515EU - 869990619390
    DFG15B1AEU - 859990845850
    DFG252IT - 869990590160
    DFG252SIT - 869990614110
    DFG2635EU - 869990619380
    DFG26M1ASIT - 859990828970
    DFO3C23A - 859991589630
    DFO3C23ACUK60HZ - 859991590290
    DFO3C23AX - 859991589650
    DFO3T133AF - 859991590550
    DFO3T133AFX - 859991590440
    DFP272EU - 859990627080
    DFP2731MNXEU - 869990781950
    DFP273FR - 869990633440

    and other models…
    In stock. Del 2-3 work days.
    Read more.

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If you need help finding the right spare part for your appliance, please don't hesitate to contact us. Please remember to provide as much information as possible from the appliance nameplate.

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