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Vegetable drawer - SIBIR - Fridge & freezer

Nettoparts has Vegetable drawer and other spare parts for SIBIR Fridge & freezer. We offer quick delivery of spare parts, and the few parts we don't have in stock, we're often able to procure. Therefore, we can deliver Vegetable drawer to you in just a few days. Whatever SIBIR Fridge & freezer spare part you need, you've come to the right place to find it!

If you can't find the SIBIR Fridge & freezer Vegetable drawer you need, please contact us – we're here to help and guide you! Please remember to provide as much information as possible from the SIBIR Fridge & freezer nameplate.

  • Front for vegetable drawer, SIBIR fridge & freezer - Clear
    The product is only suitable for models with Art-no. as listed after the dash.

    Colour - Clear
    Material - Plastic

    KGK334 - 452887
    OT26010BL - 737915
    OT26010BO - 737917
    OT26010CH - 737916
    OT274AP - 731329
    OT274BB - 543497
    OT274BL - 543474
    OT274BU - 543554
    OT274CH - 543482
    OT274CO - 731327
    OT274DC - 543500
    OT274FR - 543499
    OT274JO - 543492
    OT274LG - 543493
    OT274OL - 731328
    OT274RC - 543476
    OT274SI - 543501
    OT324BL - 544486
    OT324BU - 544487
    OT324CH - 544489
    OT324FR - 544498
    OT324SI - 544488
    OTN324BU - 544655
    OTN324CH - 544662
    OTN324DC - 544657
    OTN324RC - 544659

    and other models…
    In stock. Del 2-3 work days.
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  • Vegetable crisper drawer, SIBIR fridge & freezer - 135 mm x 477 mm x 313 mm
    The vegetable drawer is good for storing fruit and vegetables that are at risk of rapid overripening, as the humidity in the vegetable drawer is typically higher than elsewhere in your refrigerator. In some SIBIR refrigerators, it is even possible to adjust the humidity in the vegetable drawer.
    The product is only suitable for models with Art-no. as listed after the dash.

    Height - 135 mm
    Width - 477 mm
    Depth - 313 mm

    KGK334 - 452887

    and other models…
    Preorder - del. 3-4 work days.
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  • Vegetable crisper drawer, SIBIR fridge & freezer - 140 mm x 259 mm x 360 mm
    The vegetable drawer is good for storing fruit and vegetables that are at risk of rapid overripening, as the humidity in the vegetable drawer is typically higher than elsewhere in your refrigerator. In some SIBIR refrigerators, it is even possible to adjust the humidity in the vegetable drawer.
    The product is only suitable for models with Art-no. as listed after the dash.

    Height - 140 mm
    Width - 259 mm
    Depth - 360 mm

    OT290A - 124875
    OT290B - 124872
    OT290R - 124871

    and other models…
    Only 1 left!
    Del. 2-3 work days. Read more.
  • Vegetable crisper drawer, SIBIR fridge & freezer - 150 mm x 520 mm x 205 mm
    Model no. R2746OPLA only fits after 3/1-2001.

    The vegetable drawer is good for storing fruit and vegetables that are at risk of rapid overripening, as the humidity in the vegetable drawer is typically higher than elsewhere in your refrigerator. In some SIBIR refrigerators, it is even possible to adjust the humidity in the vegetable drawer.
    The product is only suitable for models with Art-no. as listed after the dash.

    Height - 150 mm
    Width - 520 mm
    Depth - 205 mm

    OT260A - 124881
    OT260B - 124879
    OT260R - 124877
    OT270A - 124888
    OT270B - 124886
    OT270BL - 280810
    OT270JO - 280809
    OT270LG - 280818
    OT270R - 124884
    OT270RP - 280819
    OT270S - 290262
    OT270SI - 280811
    OT270VR - 280820

    and other models…
    Preorder - del. 3-4 work days.
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  • Vegetable crisper drawer, SIBIR fridge & freezer - 173 mm x 495 mm x 302 mm (low)
    The vegetable drawer is good for storing fruit and vegetables that are at risk of rapid overripening, as the humidity in the vegetable drawer is typically higher than elsewhere in your refrigerator. In some SIBIR refrigerators, it is even possible to adjust the humidity in the vegetable drawer.
    The product is only suitable for models with Art-no. as listed after the dash.

    Height - 173 mm
    Width - 495 mm
    Depth - 302 mm
    Data - Cool n Fresh

    KGK332A++ - 315808
    KGK332A++ - 444738

    and other models…
    Only 1 left!
    Del. 2-3 work days. Read more.
  • Vegetable crisper drawer, SIBIR fridge & freezer - 185 mm x 417 mm x 200 mm
    The vegetable drawer is good for storing fruit and vegetables that are at risk of rapid overripening, as the humidity in the vegetable drawer is typically higher than elsewhere in your refrigerator. In some SIBIR refrigerators, it is even possible to adjust the humidity in the vegetable drawer.
    The product is only suitable for models with Art-no. as listed after the dash.

    Height - 185 mm
    Width - 417 mm
    Depth - 200 mm

    KS125A++ - 290269
    KS12A - 615967
    KSC136A+ - 280654
    KSC138A++ - 403700

    and other models…
    In stock. Del 2-3 work days.
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  • Vegetable crisper drawer, SIBIR fridge & freezer - 190 mm x 230 mm x 170 mm
    Height - 190 mm
    Width - 230 mm
    Depth - 170 mm

    KS200A+ - 235653

    and other models…
    Preorder - del. 3-4 work days.
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  • Vegetable crisper drawer, SIBIR fridge & freezer - 218 mm x 494 mm x 403 mm
    The vegetable drawer is good for storing fruit and vegetables that are at risk of rapid overripening, as the humidity in the vegetable drawer is typically higher than elsewhere in your refrigerator. In some SIBIR refrigerators, it is even possible to adjust the humidity in the vegetable drawer.
    The product is only suitable for models with Art-no. as listed after the dash.

    Height - 218 mm
    Width - 494 mm
    Depth - 403 mm

    OT292BL - 411676
    OT292CR - 458559
    OT292SW - 411678
    OT292VR - 411677
    OT320A - 196291
    OT320B - 196276
    OT320R - 196277
    OT322BL - 280821
    OT322BL - 411679
    OT322CR - 315809
    OT322CR - 411681
    OT322DC - 363575
    OT322IM - 464042
    OT322RC - 315895
    OT322SI - 280822
    OT322SI - 411682
    OT322VR - 280919
    OT322VR - 411680

    and other models…
    In stock. Del 2-3 work days.
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  • Vegetable crisper drawer, SIBIR fridge & freezer - 225 mm x 240 mm x 395 mm
    The vegetable drawer is good for storing fruit and vegetables that are at risk of rapid overripening, as the humidity in the vegetable drawer is typically higher than elsewhere in your refrigerator. In some SIBIR refrigerators, it is even possible to adjust the humidity in the vegetable drawer.
    The product is only suitable for models with Art-no. as listed after the dash.

    Height - 225 mm
    Width - 240 mm
    Depth - 395 mm

    KGK330A+ - 290266
    KGK332A++ - 315808

    and other models…
    Only 1 left!
    Del. 2-3 work days. Read more.

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