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Metal filter, Indesit cooker hood

Metal filter, Indesit cooker hood
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This metal filter for Indesit extractor fan can be cleaned in a dishwasher. Remove the filter from the extractor fan, and place it in the dishwasher.
The product is only suitable for models with service no. as listed after the dash.

H360 IX - 869990535580
H511 IX - 869990394000
H561 (BK) - 869990399030
H561 (WH) - 869990399020
H563 (WH) - 869990621350
H563 AN - 869990642460
H563 IX - 869990621320
H563 LIX - 869990771850
H573 IX - 869990621300
H573 LIX - 869990771840
H593 AN - 869990642470
H593 IX - 869990621270
HIT 12 A MX - 869990839170
HIT 9 A MX - 869990839160
IHBS6.4 AMX - 869990939780
IHBS6.5 LMX - 869991552350
IHBS9.4 LMX - 869991552360
IHBS9.5 AMX - 869990939750
IHPC6.4 AMK - 869990950600
IHPC6.4 AMX - 869990950590
IHPC6.4 LMK - 869991552260
IHPC6.4 LMX - 869991552270
IHPC6.5 AMX - 869990950610
IHPC6.5 LMX - 869991552460
IHPC9.4 AMX - 869990950620
IHPC9.4 LMX - 869991552280
IHPC9.5 AMX - 869990950580
IHPC9.5 LMX - 869991552310
IHTI9.5 A BX - 869990938540
IHTI9.5 LBX - 869991552250
UHPM6.3FCSX - 859990950630
UHPM6.3FCSX/1 - 869991558640
UHPM63FCSX1 - 869991558640
UHPM63FCSX1 - F155864
UHPM66FLSK - 869991562290
UHPM96FLSX - 869991562360

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