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Drum paddle, Candy washing machine

Drum paddle, Candy washing machine
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This product is an alternative version, which can be used as a replacement for the original. The product might vary from the previous edition in shape, colour etc.
This drum paddle for Candy washing machines distributes the load of washing evenly while the machine is operating. 
The product is only suitable for models with ident no. as listed after the dash.

GF1413LWHCS/K-IR - 31007219
GSVW1477DHC/1-S - 31007165
GSVW1488DHC/1-S - 31007036
GV1413TWHC3-47 - 31007346
GVD1413TWHC3B47 - 31010191
GVF14115LWHCS-12 - 31007527
GVF1411TWHC7Z-19 - 31008176
GVF1411TWHCRZ-19 - 31008177
GVF1412LHB3147 - 31009486
GVF1412LWHC3/1-S - 31007714
GVF1412LWHC3-47 - 31007793
GVF1412TH3/1-S - 31007715
GVF1412TWHC/1-01 - 31007941
GVF1412TWHC3/1-S - 31007713
GVF1413LHB3147 - 31009463
GVF1413LWHC7-47 - 31007795
GVF1413LWHCS-04 - 31007750
GVF1413TWHC71-19 - 31008187
GVF1413TWHC7R-19 - 31008188
GVF1413TWHCR/1-S - 31008276
GVF1413TWHCRIS - 31010209
GVF1413TWHCRZA - 31008747
GVF1413TWHCS/1-S - 31007756
GVFW4118TWHC-47 - 31007772
GVFW4118TWHCZ-19 - 31008172
GVFW4128LWHC-S - 31007476
GVFW4128LWHCS-S - 31007477
GVFW4128THB147 - 31009479
GVFW4128TWHC-47 - 31007773
GVFW4138LWHCR-S - 31008275
GVFW4138LWHQRIR - 31008364
GVFW4138TWHC1-19 - 31008183
GVFW4138TWHCRZA - 31008727
GVFW4159LWHCR12 - 31008557
GVFW4159LWHCS-12 - 31007528
GVFWFL4139WHR-12 - 31008558
GVS1413TH3/1-47 - 31008526
GVSW4138TWHC47 - 31007580
GVW4108LWHC/1-S - 31006990
GVW4118LWHCS/1-S - 31006989
GVW4138LWHCS-04 - 31007402
HCU413TH31S - 31009484
HGBW14107THB/1-S - 31008593
HGBW1497THB/1-S - 31008592
RO14146DWHC81S - 31010150
XPB50208 - 31008873

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