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Drum paddle, Bauknecht washing machine

Drum paddle, Bauknecht washing machine
  • Shipping £6.99
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This product is an alternative version, which can be used as a replacement for the original. The product might vary from the previous edition in shape, colour etc.
The product is only suitable for models with service no. as listed after the dash.

EXCELLENCE TRAE - 856062403000
EXCELLENCE TRAE - 856062403001
EXCELLENCE TRAE - 856062403002
EXCELLENCE TRKE - 856078603000
EXCELLENCE TRKE - 856078603001
EXCELLENCE TRKE - 856078603002
EXCELLENCE TRKE/7 - 856078703100
EXCELLENCE TRKE/7 - 856078703101

Extra9060BDi - 856066803090

HDD5000 - 856079838070
HDD7000/PR0 - 856070001080

ServiceSwisse - 856025016090

TACARE6C - 856062203270
TACARE6C - 856062203271
TACARE6C - 856062203272

TA PLATINUm7CDi - 856079803180
TA PLATINUm7CDi - 856079803181
TA PLATINUm7CDI - 856079803182
TA PLATINUm7CDI - 856079803183

TA Pro7CDi - 856079803170
TA Pro7CDi - 856079803171

TA PURe7C - 856063303670
TA PURe7CDI - 856065503670
TA PURe7C - 856063303671
TA PURe7CDI - 856065503671
TA PURe7C - 856063303672
TA PURe7CDI - 856065503672
TA PURe7CBK - 856063303673
TA PURe7CDIBK - 856065503673
TA PURe7CBK - 856063303674
TA PURe7CDIBK - 856065503674

TK CarE5C - 856068203270
TK CarE5C - 856068203271
TK CarE5C/1 - 856068203280
TK CarE5C/1 - 856068203288
TK CarE6BDi - 856079903070
TK CarE6B - 856067403270
TK CarE6B - 856067403271
TK CarE6BDi - 856079903071
TK CarE6B - 856067403278
TK CarE6BDi - 856079903078
TK CarE16C - 856066803020
TK CarE16C - 856066803021
TK CarE16B - 856067803270
TK CarE16B - 856067803271
TK CarE16C - 856066803022
TK CarE17B - 856068003270
TK CarE17B - 856068003271
TK CarE17B - 856068003278
TK CAREX7B - 856068003210

TK Happy60BDi - 856079903090

TK PLATINUM7BDI - 856079903180
TK PlatinuM7B - 856088903190
TK PlatinuM8BFLD - 856079903190

TK PrimelinE7BDi - 856079703070
TK PrimelinE7B - 856067703070
TK PrimelinE7B - 856067703071
TK PrimelinE7BDi - 856079703071
TK PRIMELINE8BDI - 856079703080
TK PRIMELINE27B - 856067703090
TK PRIMELINE28BDi - 856079703090
TK PrimelinE97B - 856067703190
TK PrimelinE98BDi - 856079703190

TK Pro7BDi - 856079903170
TK Pro7BDi - 856079903171

TK PurE6BDi - 856066703070
TK PurE6BDi - 856066703071
TK PurE7B - 856067903070
TK PurE7BDi - 856079803070
TK PurE7BDi - 856079803071
TK PurE7B - 856067903071
TK PURE8B - 856068103080
TK PURE8BFLD - 856067903080
TK PUREXL7BDi - 856067903290
TK PUREXL7B - 856068203190
TK PUREXXL8B - 856067903090
TK PUREXXL8B - 856068103090

TK SENS 18BDI - 856079703110
TK SENSEXL7B - 856068003290
TK SENSEXXL8B - 856068903090
TK SENSEXXL8B - 856067903190
TK SENSITIVE18B - 856068003080

TK SO4DI - 856067903210
TK Star72EX - 856078703081
TK Star72EX - 856078703080
TK STAR74EX - 856078803090
TK Star84EX - 856078903090
TR Excellence7 - 856066912290
TR Prestige7 - 856066812390

TRA4777 - 856047742070
TRA4777 - 856047742071
TRA4777 - 856047742080
TRA4777 - 856047742072
TRA4777 - 856047742081
TRA4777BK - 856047742082
TRA4777BK - 856047742083
TRA5011 - 856050120023
TRA5011 - 856050120024
TRA61200 - 856061216003
TRA61200 - 856061216004
TRA61200/1 - 856061216100
TRA61250 - 856061216500
TRA61250 - 856061216501
TRA61250 - 856061216502
TRA61250 - 856061216503
TRA61260 - 856061216060
TRA61260 - 856061216061
TRA61260 - 856061216062
TRA61260 - 856061216063
TRA63500 - 856063316003
TRA63500 - 856063316004
TRA63500/1 - 856063516100
TRA63560 - 856063516600
TRA63560 - 856063516601
TRA63560 - 856063516602
TRA63560 - 856063516603
TRA64560 - 856064516050
TRA64560 - 856064516051
TRA64560 - 856064516052
TRA9566 - 856064616070
TRA9566 - 856064616071
TRA9566 - 856064616072

TRAECO270 - 856064712390

TRA EXCELLENCE - 856074612060
TRA EXCELLENCE - 856074612061
TRA EXCELLENCE - 856074612160
TRA EXCELLENCE - 856074612161
TRA Excellence7 - 856074612170
TRA Excellence7 - 856074612171
TRA Excellence7 - 856074612172
TRA ExcellencE270 - 856074612190
TRA ExcellencE270 - 856074612191
TRA EXCELLENCE/6 - 856062303690
TRA EXCELLENCE/6 - 856062303691
TRA EXCELLENCE/6 - 856062303692

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