This product is an alternative version, which can be used as a replacement for the original. The product might vary from the previous edition in shape, colour etc.
Please note: The belt is "elastic" and VERY tight to attach.
The product is only suitable for models with service no. as listed after the dash.
Data - 1249/J5 EL
BLACK XL 34 BW - 858348003000
BLACK XL 34 BW BK - 858348003003
EcO6610 AAA - 858300203010
ECO6610 AAA - 858300203013
ECO9.0 DI - 858301803000
ECO9.0 DI - 858301803003
ECO9.0 DI/1 - 858301803200
ECO9.0 DI/1 BK - 858301803203
EcOSilver 90 - 858366112100
ECOSILVER 90 - 858366112103
EcOSilver 91 - 858301020010
EKOSILVER 740U - 858302520010
Excellence 1470 - 858367012000
EXCELLENCE 1470 - 858367012003
EXCELLENCE 1471 - 858368012000
Excellence 2471 - 858300920010
EXCELLENCE 2471 - 858300920014
Excellence 2481 - 858301120010
Excellence 2670 - 858300420010
Excellence 3471 - 858301720010
EXCELLENCE 3471 - 858301720015
EXCELLENCE 3471 - 858301720016
Excellence 3670 - 858301620010
EXTRA 9066 - 858301903003
Extra Q66 - 858304203010
HDW7000/PRO BK - 858311801000
and other models…