This product is an alternative version, which can be used as a replacement for the original. The product might vary from the previous edition in shape, colour etc.
The product is only suitable for models with product/PNC-no. as listed after the dash.
The listed price is for 1 pc.
Colour - Gray
Material - Plastic
350/192-0950279 - 911915065-00
350/202-0550281 - 911915063-00
350/202-0550350 - 911915063-02
350/202-0950280 - 911915064-00
350/202-0950351 - 911915064-02
350/210-0950283 - 911616012-00
350/210-0950343 - 911616012-02
350/230-0950284 - 911615009-00
350/249-0950286 - 911912012-00
350/303-0950302 - 911616021-00
350/303-0950344 - 911616021-02
350/311-0950303 - 911916032-00
350/311-0950353 - 911916032-02
42U-D,50047 - 911236200-01
42U-D50047 - 911236200-00
52I-M,50050 - 911234979-00
52U-D50049 - 911236201-00
52UM,50048 - 911236202-01
52U-M50048 - 911236202-00
53UM,50382 - 911236358-00
53UM,50382 - 911373075-00
64S-W - 911232546-00
715/492-0950219 - 911915062-00
715/49509/50220 - 911788044-00
770/607-0950224 - 911911001-01
770/639-0950285 - 911611003-00
770/639-0950340 - 911611003-01
and other models…