This product is an alternative version, which can be used as a replacement for the original. The product might vary from the previous edition in shape, colour etc.
The product is only suitable for models with service no. as listed after the dash.
Diameter - 275 mm
AMW 202/1 BL - 858720261471
AMW 2030/1 WH - 858720161271
AMW 215 WH - 858721499274
AMW 230 SL - 858723015891
AMW 230 WH - 858723015291
AMW 236 WH - 858723638292
MWD 200 WH - 858720084291
MWD 201 WH - 858721115291
MWD 201/BL - 858721199491
MWD 201/FB - 858721199881
MWD 201/FW - 858721199281
MWD 201/RD - 858721199391
MWD 201/SL - 858721199891
MWD 201/WH - 858721199291
MWD 202 FB - 858720284881
MWD 202 FW - 858720284281
MWD 202 WH - 858720284291
MWD 202/BL - 858720299491
MWD 202/FB - 858720299881
MWD 202/FW - 858720299281
MWD 202/RD - 858720299391
MWD 202/SL - 858720299891
MWD 202/WH - 858720299291
MWD 207/ SL - 858720799891
MWD 207/ WH - 858720799292
MWD 207/BL - 858720799491
MWD 207/BL - 858720799492
MWD 207/WH - 858720784291
MWD 207/WH - 858720799291
MWD 208 SL - 858720884891
MWD 208 WH - 858720884291
and other models…