This product is an alternative version, which can be used as a replacement for the original. The product might vary from the previous edition in shape, colour etc.
The product is only suitable for models with service no. as listed after the dash.
000.150.87 - 854147901000
045.306.80 - 854145101010
100.150.39 - 854148201000
100.150.39 - 854148201020
100.150.44 - 854148601000
100.150.77 - 854147301000
100.150.77 - 854147301020
100.150.82 - 854147601010
100.488.55 - 854178801000
100.655.94 - 857916201000
145.291.10 - 854144901000
145.305.85 - 854145001020
145.309.10 - 854145201000
245.268.80 - 854144701010
245.305.80 - 854145001010
300.150.38 - 854148201010
300.150.38 - 854148201030
300.150.43 - 854148601010
300.488.64 - 854179201000
345.291.85 - 854144901020
345.309.85 - 854145201020
445.291.80 - 854144901010
445.309.80 - 854145201010
500.150.42 - 854148401020
500.150.42 - 854148401050
700.150.41 - 854148401010
700.150.41 - 854148401040
700.150.84 - 854147601020
700.270.77 - 854180801000
700.656.20 - 857916501000
745.306.10 - 854145101000
800.150.88 - 854147901010
and other models…