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Vegetable crisper drawer, Gorenje fridge & freezer - 150 mm x 520 mm x 205 mm

Vegetable crisper drawer, Gorenje fridge & freezer - 150 mm x 520 mm x 205 mm
  • Shipping £6.99
  • 14 days return policy
  • Product info
  • Doubts?
  • Ratings
  • Height
    150 mm
  • Width
    520 mm
  • Depth
    205 mm
  • Length
  • Data
  • Diameter
  • Colour
  • Material
  • Volt/Watt
  • Difficulty
    of 5 (1= Easy / 5= Complex)
Model no. R2746OPLA only fits after 3/1-2001.

The vegetable drawer is good for storing fruit and vegetables that are at risk of rapid overripening, as the humidity in the vegetable drawer is typically higher than elsewhere in your refrigerator. In some Gorenje refrigerators, it is even possible to adjust the humidity in the vegetable drawer.
The product is only suitable for models with Art-no. as listed after the dash.

K256OPLA - 615840
K257BAA - 104719
K257CLA - 645880
K25STB - 158721
K25STCLA - 140034
K25STCLB - 140034
K25TCLA - 229497
K316CLA4 - 695681
K317BAA - 104210
K317CLA - 110902
K317CLA - 695839
K317CLB - 645879
K317CLB - 645979
K31STCLA - 140033
K31STCLB - 140033
K31TCLA - 229496
KG256CA4/1 - 153744
KG256CA4/1 - 233450
R2746CLA4 - 645995
R2906CLA4 - 695683
R2907BAA - 645869
R2907CLA - 645878
R6293W - 101904
R6293W - 695794
R6295AC - 236348
R6295W - 101903
R6295W - 363629
R6295W - 695795
R6298W - 363630
RB6283W - 101907
RB6283W - 695792
RB6284W - 106874
RB6285OAL - 101913
RB6285OAL - 126831
RB6285OAL - 695858
RB6285OB - 106895
RB6285OB - 106897
RB6285OB - 110416
RB6285OB - 126832
RB6285OB - 150732
RB6285OB-L - 180855
RB6285OC - 101911
RB6285OC - 110415
RB6285OC - 126834
RB6285OC - 147073
RB6285OC - 695862
RB6285OC-L - 180796
RB6285OG - 126830
RB6285OR - 101718
RB6285OR - 103978
RB6285OR - 110418
RB6285OR - 126833
RB6285OR - 147075
RB6285OR - 150730
RB6285OR-L - 180853
RB6285W - 101905
RB6285W - 363652
RB6285W - 695793
RB6286BK - 256506
RB6286OC - 188244
RB6286OR - 188241
RB6286W - 106873
RB6288BK - 237628
RB6288BK - 256506
RB6288OA - 180126
RB6288OA - 198238
RB6288OA - 226663
RB6288OAL - 137376
RB6288OA-L - 226663
RB6288OB - 137377
RB6288OB - 179901
RB6288OBK - 237692
RB6288OBK - 282760
RB6288OC - 137375
RB6288OC - 179905
RB6288OC - 198236
RB6288OC - 237692
RB6288OC - 282757
RB6288OC-L - 226661
RB6288OG - 179796
RB6288OGR - 276406
RB6288OGR - 282755
RB6288OGR-L - 282744
RB6288OO - 276407
RB6288OO - 282754
RB6288OO-L - 282746
RB6288OP - 276405
RB6288OP - 282756
RB6288OP-L - 282745
RB6288OR - 137378
RB6288OR - 179903
RB6288OR - 198237
RB6288OR - 237628
RB6288OR - 282758
RB6288OR-L - 226662
RB6288W - 363653
RB6288W - 386057
RF6273W - 101902
RF6273W - 695796
RF6275AC - 236347
RF6275B - 102056
RF6275B - 103975
RF6275OA - 198232
RF6275OAL - 101910
RF6275OAL - 126852
RF6275OA-L - 226647
RF6275OAL - 695859
RF6275OB - 109797
RF6275OB - 126853
RF6275OC - 109799
RF6275OC - 126855
RF6275OC - 198209
RF6275OC-L - 226645
RF6275OG - 126851
RF6275OG - 163386
RF6275OR - 109798
RF6275OR - 126854
RF6275OR - 198210
RF6275OR-L - 226646
RF6275R - 102057
RF6275R - 103973
RF6275W - 101900
RF6275W - 363721
RF6275W - 695797
RF6275W - 695879
RF6276OA - 180813
RF6276OB - 180812
RF6276OBK - 237694
RF6276OC - 180810
RF6276OG - 180814
RF6276OR - 180811
RF6278W - 363722
RF6325AC - 157027
RF6325B - 157050
RF6325C - 157028
RF6325OA - 198241
RF6325OA - 226666
RF6325OAL - 109800
RF6325OAL - 110424
RF6325OAL - 126857
RF6325OA-L - 226666
RF6325OB - 109801
RF6325OB - 110426
RF6325OB - 126858
RF6325OB - 145261
RF6325OC - 110425
RF6325OC - 113415
RF6325OC - 126860
RF6325OC - 198239
RF6325OC - 226664
RF6325OC-L - 226664
RF6325OG - 126856
RF6325OR - 109802
RF6325OR - 110427
RF6325OR - 126859
RF6325OR - 133365
RF6325OR - 145257
RF6325OR - 198240
RF6325OR - 226665
RF6325OR-L - 226665
RF6325R - 157029
RF6325W - 110902
RF6325W - 363723
RF6326OA - 180797
RF6326OB - 180795
RF6326OC - 180793
RF6326OC - 188246
RF6326OG - 180799
RF6326OR - 180794
RF6326OR - 188247
RF6328AC - 232046
RF6328C - 232045
RF6328R - 232044
RF6328W - 363724
RF6328W - 386570
RFE256B5 - 135581
RFE325W - 295524

and other models…
Rating for Vegetable crisper drawer, Gorenje fridge & freezer - 150 mm x 520 mm x 205 mm
The product has yet to be rated
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