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Thermostat, Whirlpool fridge & freezer

Thermostat, Whirlpool fridge & freezer
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The product is only suitable for models with service no. as listed after the dash.

ARC 1675/1 - 850116761021
ARC 1675/2 - 850116761030
ARC 1685 - 850116801013
ARC 1685/1 - 850116861013
ARC 1685/2 - 850116861020
ARC 1685 - 850116801014
ARC 1686 - 850116801020
ARC 1687 - 850116801030
ARC 1687/S - 850116801040
ARC 1695/1 - 850116961022
ARC 1695/1 - 850116961023
ARC 1699/1 - 850116961032
ARC 1699/2 - 850116961040
ARC 1731 - 850117315021
ARC 1731/1 - 850117315030
ARC 1731/S - 850117315040
ARC 1811 - 850118115001
ARC 1811/1 - 850118115010
ARC 1811/S - 850118115020
ARC 1864 - 850118601001
ARC 1865 - 850118601010
ARC 1890 - 850118961000
ARC 1890/2 - 850118961010

WM1600 W - 850116801050
WM1600 A+W - 850119801000
WM1600 W - 850116815000
WM1600 A+S - 850119801010
WM1601 W - 850116861030
WM1602 A+W - 850119801020
WM1701 W - 850501661000
WM1701 X - 850501661010
WM1800 A+W - 850101596000
WM1800 W - 850118115030
WM1800 W - 850118601020
WM1801 W - 850116961050
WM1803 W - 850116961060
WM1804 W - 850116761040

WME1610 A+W - 850103496000
WME1610 W - 850103315000
WME1610 A+W - 850103496001
WME1624 A+X - 850103615000
WME1630 A+W - 850103496010
WME1630 A+W - 850103496011
WME1640 W - 850103496020
WME1640 W - 850103415000

WVR 360 - 850117365000
WVR 360 - 850117365001
WVR 420 - 850118165001
WVR 420 IX - 850118165010
WVR 420 - 850118165000
WVR 420 IX - 850118165011

and other models…
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