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Level switch, Bauknecht dishwasher (optical / temperature sensor)

Level switch, Bauknecht dishwasher (optical / temperature sensor)
  • Shipping £6.99
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This product is an alternative version, which can be used as a replacement for the original. The product might vary from the previous edition in shape, colour etc.
Optical water level and temperature sensor.

The product is only suitable for models with service no. as listed after the dash.

GSUK61102DiA+WS - 854861161020
GSUK61102DIA+WS - 854861161021
GSUK61102DIA+WS - 854861161022
GSUK61102DIA+WS - 854861161023
GSUK61102DIA+WS - 854861161024
GSUK61202DiA+IN - 854861101020
GSUK61202TRA+IN - 854860422020
GSUK61202DIA+IN - 854861101021
GSUK61202TRA+IN - 854860422021
GSUK61202DIA+IN - 854861101022
GSUK61202TRA+IN - 854860422022
GSUK61202DIA+IN - 854861101023
GSUK61302DiA++IN - 854861201020
GSUK61302ETA+IN - 854861303220
GSUK61302DiA++WS - 854861304030
GSUK61302DIA++IN - 854861201021
GSUK61302DIA++WS - 854861304031
GSUK61302ETA+IN - 854861303221
GSUK61302DIA++IN - 854861201022
GSUK61302ETA+IN - 854861303222
GSUK61302DIA++WS - 854861304032
GSUK61302DIA++IN - 854861201023
GSUK61302DIA++WS - 854861304033
GSUK61302ETA+IN - 854861303223
GSUK6140DiINA+ - 854840222980
GSUK6140DIINA+ - 854840222981
GSUK6140DIINA+ - 854840222982
GSUK6140DIINA+ - 854840222983
GSUK6203A2I - 854862022030
GSUK6203A2I - 854862022031
GSUK6203A2I - 854862022032

GSUK8131TRA++WS - 854888761020
GSUK8131TRA++IX - 854888661020
GSUK8131TRA++IX - 854888661021
GSUK8131TRA++WS - 854888761021
GSUK8131TRA++IX - 854888661022
GSUK8131TRA++WS - 854888761022
GSUK8131TRA++WS - 854888761023
GSUK8131TRA++IX - 854888661023
GSUK8131TRA++WS - 854888761024
GSUK8214A2P - 854882101130
GSUK8214A2P - 854882101131
GSUK8254A2P - 854882501130
GSUK8254A2P - 854882501131
GSUK8254A2PWS - 854882501140
GSUK8254A2P - 854882501132
GSUK8254A2P - 854882501133
GSUK8254A2PWS - 854882501141

GSUP6142DiINA+ - 854840222990
GSUP6142DIINA+ - 854840222991
GSUP6142DIINA+ - 854840222992
GSUP6142DIINA+ - 854840222993
GSUP81312TRA++IN - 854871303020
GSUP81312TRA++IN - 854871303021
GSUP81312TRA++IN - 854871303022

GSX217A++ - 854896022040
GSX217A++ - 854896022041
GSX514 - 854851422000
GSX514 - 854851422001
GSX102303A3+TR - 854630301010
GSX102303A3+TR - 854630301011
GSX102414A+++ - 854891001100
GSX102414A+++ - 854891001101
GSX1527POWER - 854815201701
GSX158111A++ - 851115822000
GSX158112A++ - 851158122000
GSX158113A+++ - 851181122000

GSX5521 - 854655136630
GSX5521 - 854655136631
GSX5521 - 854655136632
GSX5525 - 854655216800
GSX5525 - 854655216801
GSX5533 - 854655216500
GSX5533 - 854655216501
GSX5534 - 854653416500
GSX5534 - 854653416501
GSX5664 - 854856616000
GSX5664 - 854856616001
GSX5664 - 854856616002
GSX5961/1 - 854659616831
GSX5961 - 854659616420
GSX5961 - 854659616421
GSX5961 - 854659616422
GSX5962 - 854659616850
GSX5962 - 854659616851
GSX5963 - 854659616550
GSX5963 - 854659616551
GSX5964 - 854659616640
GSX5964 - 854659616641
GSX5974 - 854859716000
GSX5974 - 854859716001
GSX5974 - 854859716002
GSX5994 - 854859916000
GSX5994 - 854859916001
GSX5994 - 854859916002
GSX5994 - 854859916003

GSX60303A++ - 854896222020
GSX60303A++ - 854896222021
GSX60303A++ - 854896222022
GSX61204A++ - 854861201320
GSX61204A++ - 854861201321
GSX61204A++ - 854861201322
GSX61307A++ - 854861301000
GSX61307A++ - 854861301001
GSX61307A++ - 854861301002
GSX61414A++ - 854867101000
GSX61415A++TR - 854814122000
GSX61414A++ - 854867101001
GSX61415A++TR - 854814122001

GSX7961 - 854679616850
GSX7961 - 854679616851
GSX7976 - 854679616550
GSX7976 - 854679616551
GSX7976 - 854679616552
GSX7977 - 854679616660
GSX7977 - 854679616661
GSX7994 - 854879916000
GSX7994 - 854879916001
GSX7994 - 854879916002
GSX7994 - 854879916003

GSX81304A++ - 854681001000
GSX81304A++ - 854681001001
GSX81308A++ - 854813101000
GSX81308A++ - 854813101001
GSX81308A++ - 854813101002
GSX81414A++ - 854881401000
GSX81414A++ - 854881401001
GSX81414A++ - 854881401002
GSX81454A++ - 854881401300
GSX81454A++ - 854881401301
GSX81454A++ - 854881401302
GSX8994 - 854889916000
GSX8994 - 854889916001
GSX8994 - 854889916002

and other models…
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