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Door shelf, Hotpoint-Ariston fridge & freezer (lower)

Door shelf, Hotpoint-Ariston fridge & freezer (lower)
  • Shipping £6.99
  • 14 days return policy
  • Product info
  • Doubts?
  • Ratings
  • Height
    77 mm
  • Width
    443 mm
  • Depth
    104 mm
  • Length
  • Data
  • Diameter
  • Colour
  • Material
  • Volt/Watt
  • Difficulty
    of 5 (1= Easy / 5= Complex)
Lower refrigerator door shelf – works well as a milk or bottle shelf and is easily replaceable.
The product is only suitable for models with commercial code as listed after the dash.

BCB172137 - F067048
BCB182137 - 869990670490
BCB183337FF - 869990670470
BCB183337VC - 869990670500
BCB311/HA - 869990487250
BCB311AIIT/HA - 869990487360
BCB311AIITS/HA - 869990487420
BCB311S/HA - F048757
BCB311VT/HA - 869990528860
BCB312AI(FR)/HA - 869990528870
BCB312AI/HA - F048726
BCB312AIFF - 869990540960
BCB312AIS/HA - F048750
BCB312AVI/HA - F048759
BCB312AAI(FR)/HA - 869990528880
BCB312AAI/HA - F048727
BCB312AAIS/HA - F048749
BCB313/BGE/HA - F048737
BCB313/BGES/HA - F048738
BCB313AVEIC/HA - F048745
BCB313AVEICS/HA - F048744
BCB313AVEIFF - 869990564950
BCB313AWEI/HA - F048728
BCB313AWEIS/HA - F048747
BCB313AAVEI/HA - 869990487290
BCB313AAVEIS/HA - 869990487560
BCB331/HA - F048730
BCB331S/HA - F048751
BCB332AI/HA - F048731
BCB332AIPF - 869990540980
BCB332AIS/HA - F048748
BCB332AAI/HA - F048732
BCB332AAIS/HA - F048758
BCB333/BGE/HA - F048739
BCB333/BGES/HA - F048740
BCB333AVEI/HA - F048733
BCB333AVEIC/HA - F048743
BCB333AVEICS/HA - F048746
BCB333AVEIFF - 869990564970
BCB333AAVEI/HA - F048734
BCB333AAVEIS/HA - F048753
BCFS312AA - 869990739940
BCH313AAVEI/HA - F048556
BCH333AAVEI/HA - F048554
BD2420/HA - 869990486020
BD2420I/HA - F048596
BD2420S/HA - 869990485940
BD2421/HA - F048597
BD2421S/HA - F048589
BD2422/HA - 853903201500
BD2422S/HA - 853903201510
BD2423/HA - 853903301500
BD2423S/HA - 853903301510
BD2622/HA - 853903201520
BD2622S/HA - 869990782740
BD2631EU/HA - 869990486110
BD2631EUS/HA - F048608
BD2920/HA - 869990486010
BD2920S/HA - F048562
BD2922EU/HA - 869990739910
BD2922VEU/HA - F087906
BD2923EU/HA - F086016
BD2930V/HA - 869990485950
BD2930VS/HA - F048592
BD2931EU/HA - 869990485910
BD2931EUS/HA - 869990486000
BDFS242AA - 853903201530
BDFS292AA - 869990739930
BO1620/HA - F048588
BO1620EU/HA - 869990485640
BO1631EU/HA - 869990528930
BO1922/HA - F078272
BO1931EU/HA - F048603
BO2320/HA - 869990485980
BO2331EU/HA - F048571
BOZ1621/HA - F048610
BOZ1631eu/ha - 869990485730
BOZ1932EU/HA - 869990485990
BOZ2320/HA - F048606
BOZ2331/HA - F048566
BOZ2331EU/HA - F048561
BOZ3020VT/HA - 869990561460
BOZ3031V/HA - 869990485750
BS1620 - 869990559360
BS1621 - 869990559370
BS1621EU - 869990565150
BS1622 - 869990782730
BS1622EU - 869990799880
BS2321EU - 869990565170
BS2321V - 869990559310
BS2332 - 869990565180
BS2332EU - 869990559400
BS3021 - 869990559540
BS3021V - 869990559320
BS3022V - 869990755780
BSZ1621 - 869990647920
BSZ1632EU - 869990540770
BSZ2321 - 869990559380
BSZ2321EU - 869990565160
BSZ2332 - 869990559390
BSZ2333 - F085949
BSZ3021V - 869990559330
BSZ3021VTK - 869990559340
BSZ3032V - 869990559350
BSZ3033V - 869990859520
BSZ882147 - F067052
BTS1620/HA - F048593
BTS1620EU/HA - 869990485680
BTS1621/HA - 869990695710
BTS1621EU/HA - 869990695720
BTS1622/HA - 850370901500
BTSZ1620I/HA - 869990486070
BTSZ1631/HA - 869990486040
BTSZ1632/HA - 850370801500
CISBCB333/BGE/HA - F048741
CISBCB333AVEIFF - 869990565010
MT260/HA - 869990483670
MTA241/HA - F048362
MTA242I(FR)/HA - 869990535230
MTA243/HA - 869990483640
MTA260/HA - F069595
MTB241/HA - 869990483650
MTAA241/HA - 869990585590
MTAA242/HA - 869990585610

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Rating for Door shelf, Hotpoint-Ariston fridge & freezer (lower)
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